Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

10 Best Diet Tricks for Daily Life

Now a days, everyone thinks about health and diet. As we are getting many diet tips and tricks so many of us are confused with which one i can follow which will make me healthy. The most important thing is, there should not be any side effect if i follow the diet procedure. To avoid these kind of confusions, here are the few diet tips which can be followed by your day to day life which will not make any side effect.


1. Don't Skip Your Breakfast :

As we people are sleeping for 7 to 8 hours daily, its mandatory to have food in the morning. It will be giving more energy to our body. As our  requires more food with necessary proteins during the morning time, we should add healthy food in breakfast.

"Eat Breakfast, it will energize you for the day and keep your diet in check".

2. Keep the Burn Going :

To burn unnecessary calories, everyday please do some exercise. During your exercises take rest no more than 30 seconds between exercises. It will dramatically bump your calorie burn.

3. Avoid Late Night Snacks :

Finish dinner two to three hours before the bedtime. Your metabolism slows down when you sleep, so it shift from fat burning to fat storage. Better to have less food which can be easily digested during night time.

4. Question Your Cravings :

Before you eat, ask a question. Am i hungry?  Unless a craving comes from hunger, eating wont satisfy it.

"Eat what you Love and Love what you eat"

5. Dont Skimp on Sleep :

Get six to eight hours of sleep a night. Without it, the appetite hormone ghrelin increases, which could result in weight gain. And schedule at least two three-minute breaks during the day to practice deep-breathing exercises. It will reduce the stress hormone cortisol, which builds fat around your mid-section.

6. Start with Green :

Eat in the right order. Eat vegetables first to naturally have more of them and ultimately eat fewer calories. How much amount of green vegetables that we are having that much level our body with be healthy.

7. Snacks Away :

Eat every three to four hours so you'll be equipped to say no to temptations. It is very important that what kind of food that you are having. Mostly eat fresh vegetables for healthy life. If you are eating Ice creams, just take two to three spoons not more than that.

8. Say no to Soda :

Most of us are having a habit of drinking soda while having food. Put the soda down and step away. Regular soda drinking may make muscles less likely to burn fat.

9. Have a Carb-free Afternoon :

No carbs after lunch is one of the hardest (rules) to follow. But if you follow this rule you will lose weight.

10. Walk it off :

Take a 15-minute walk after each meal to burn a quick 100 calories. Walking is a very good exercise for your health. Try to walk as many time as possible and live a healthy life.

Healthy eating

Title itself interesting !!! Is it ??? Some one may think that, what is that ? as everyone knows how to eat. For that the answer is, yes. Of course, everyone knows to eat, But most of us does not know how to eat in proper manner. First of all, we need to understand about our body.

Body Process :


Whenever we are feeling hunger we are having food. In our body, it will generate hydrochloric acid which will make you feel hungry. Once we had our food, hydrochloric acid will do digestion process and convert the food into glucose. The converted glucose will be pass on to blood cells and produce energy for multiple body functionality. So, we need to focus on the quality of the glucose.

How the quality has been determined?

  • Based on the type of food.
  • Based on the way of eating.
  • Based on our mind.
  • Based on the time of taking food. 

Here are the few steps to eat in proper manner.

Steps :

1. Every day morning empty your stomach before eating any food.

2. Drink plenty of water which will clean up your stomach.

3. Do not drink water while eating , Because the generated hydrochloric acid will get diluted and it will delay the digestion process. Take minimal water when we feel thirsty.

4.  Eat food slowly and chew it like a paste while passing on to stomach. Most of us will not do this step. Simply hallowing food with out grinding properly. In this case, hydrochloric acid took more time to digest your food.

5. While eating please concentrate on your food. Do not watch TV, chat with others etc. If we are not concentrating then, the required glucose will not generate properly which leads to generation of bad glucose.

6. Whenever you are feeling hungry, please eat at that time. As you have to get tempt by seeing the food. Because, while eating your mouth has to generate saliva which has to get mixed with your food. It will help us to generate good glucose.

7. Do not open your mouth while chewing the food. So that air particles will not pass on along with the food.

8. After having food, do not drink more water for the next 30 mins. It will help us for digestion process.

What type of food we can eat ?


1. During morning time, we have to eat like a king. Means, have more food as our body requires more glucose at morning time.

2. At noon, eat like a rich person.

3. At night, do not have much food. eat like a poor person. As we are sleeping after that, our body does not require much glucose at that time.

If we follow these processes, our body will generate good glucose and make our body as healthier.

Please pass on this message to your friends and families which will make their life healthier.