Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Healthy eating

Title itself interesting !!! Is it ??? Some one may think that, what is that ? as everyone knows how to eat. For that the answer is, yes. Of course, everyone knows to eat, But most of us does not know how to eat in proper manner. First of all, we need to understand about our body.

Body Process :


Whenever we are feeling hunger we are having food. In our body, it will generate hydrochloric acid which will make you feel hungry. Once we had our food, hydrochloric acid will do digestion process and convert the food into glucose. The converted glucose will be pass on to blood cells and produce energy for multiple body functionality. So, we need to focus on the quality of the glucose.

How the quality has been determined?

  • Based on the type of food.
  • Based on the way of eating.
  • Based on our mind.
  • Based on the time of taking food. 

Here are the few steps to eat in proper manner.

Steps :

1. Every day morning empty your stomach before eating any food.

2. Drink plenty of water which will clean up your stomach.

3. Do not drink water while eating , Because the generated hydrochloric acid will get diluted and it will delay the digestion process. Take minimal water when we feel thirsty.

4.  Eat food slowly and chew it like a paste while passing on to stomach. Most of us will not do this step. Simply hallowing food with out grinding properly. In this case, hydrochloric acid took more time to digest your food.

5. While eating please concentrate on your food. Do not watch TV, chat with others etc. If we are not concentrating then, the required glucose will not generate properly which leads to generation of bad glucose.

6. Whenever you are feeling hungry, please eat at that time. As you have to get tempt by seeing the food. Because, while eating your mouth has to generate saliva which has to get mixed with your food. It will help us to generate good glucose.

7. Do not open your mouth while chewing the food. So that air particles will not pass on along with the food.

8. After having food, do not drink more water for the next 30 mins. It will help us for digestion process.

What type of food we can eat ?


1. During morning time, we have to eat like a king. Means, have more food as our body requires more glucose at morning time.

2. At noon, eat like a rich person.

3. At night, do not have much food. eat like a poor person. As we are sleeping after that, our body does not require much glucose at that time.

If we follow these processes, our body will generate good glucose and make our body as healthier.

Please pass on this message to your friends and families which will make their life healthier.

Simple Business Ideas

Before proceeding with this topic, first we need to understand the basic requirements of normal human being. Generally people will prefer three basic things. 

  • Food
  • Clothes
  • Home

Based on the people need we have to start our business which will give you more profit. Also, we have to be make sure the location for the business that we are going to start. For example, if you want to start super market we have to make sure that the super market should be placed in center of the city and crowded area which will bring more customers for your super market and gives good profit on your business. Like the same we can see simple business ideas here.


We have a lot of work from home jobs. Based on your knowledge or experience on particular work you can go for the home based business. Mostly, women can do tailoring by stitching clothes and adding designs or decorative materials in the cloth will give good money while selling into company. Also, we can take contract from a company to stitch some amount of clothes on monthly basis which will give good income per month. 


if you have some land around your home then you can plant some trees (ex: Banana tree) or vegetable plants. It will give you good environment to your home and will be giving good air and health for the people who are living in a area having lot of trees. As a business plan you can sell the vegetables in the market and will be useful for your personal use too.


Another good idea of making money is planting mushroom in your home. If you have any empty room then, you can use it mushroom planting which requires dark and little bit cold room atmosphere for a healthy mushroom. It requires minimum investment and it gives you good profit at the end. Within short period of time you can earn money if you know the process of making mushroom.


Now a days, people are preferring the designed cloth instead of a simple one. Hence, to make a fashionable cloth you can do some decorations in a plain cloth based on your imagination. For example you can stick some colorful stones on those clothes which makes attractive. Also, you can do some painting or embroidering. Based on the attractiveness and complexity of your design, you can earn good profit by selling a market.


If you have multiple rooms or separate house then you can rent your house which will give you earnings on monthly basis. If you are giving furnished house then you can increase the rent for your house as now a days most of the people are preferring furnished house. Mostly bachelors are preferring furnished one as they want all the accessories with minimal cost.

We can see some more business ideas in the upcoming posts which will give you more knowledge and idea on small scale businesses. Please share your ideas in below comments which will help us to understand your views on small businesses and will be helpful to make better post in future.