How to lose Belly fat ?

Most of us are suffering due to belly fat because of unhealthy life style which involves eating too much without proper exercise. Belly fat may cause high blood pressure, insulin resistance and heart disease etc.,


Causes of fat belly :

Below are the major causes for belly fat.

  • Sedentary Lifestyle
  • Too much eating
  • Genetic problem

1. Sedentary Lifestyle :


This is the major cause of belly fat. So, what is the meaning of Sedentary? As most of us are not doing proper exercise or fails to do exercise at all. This Sedentary life style increase the change of your serious health condition which may lead to die at young age. The people who are all comes under this life style are, Spending more time to watch T.V, Using computer too much etc., You can simply avoid this problem by moving in and out and doing proper exercise once you have free time.

2. Too much eating :


Some people will eat most of the times without any proper schedule for eating. Even some others will mostly have fast food and junk food items which will increase your belly fat easily. I would not suggest you to stop eating. You have to plan your eating schedule based on your day to day activities. For example, if you are a software employee who is working in computer more than 12 hours then, try to eat simple food with proper time gap. Because your body will burn less calories as you do not have any manual activities. So, plan your food to eat and do some exercise regularly to burn calories which will give best fit for your body.

3. Genetic problem :

belly fat

This is the toughest part to control belly fat. Some people will do proper exercise and they wont eat too much items, even though they will be getting fat belly. It might be due to genetic problem. That person's parents or grand parents might be fat which reflects in to his body in the form of gene.

There are two types of body.

1. Apple shaped
2. Pear shaped

If the body is apple shaped then, your body will store fat around midsection which may lead to belly fat. If the body is pear shaped then, fat accumulates into lower areas like your fanny.


It is really hard to control belly fat which caused due to genetic problem. For the other two reasons, you can follow simple exercise mentioned below along with your regular exercises which will help you to reduce your belly fat.

You can do this exercise in your home without spending money for exercise materials or gym.

belly fat

1. Do this exercise 30 minutes or 1 hour before you eat. Its preferable to do this exercise on morning time.

2. Lie down flat on a mat with your legs straight on the ground.

3. Lift both of your legs simultaneously for 2 inches from the ground without bending your knee. Keep this posture for few seconds or 1 min.

4. Now, you can feel that, your belly fat is compressed and it starts beating like a heart beat. So, internally what is happening means, due to the pressure your belly fat starts burning which causes the beats on your belly.

5. Do step 3 for 4 to 5 times daily before having your food.

Bending side to side :

This is one of the best work out to reduce your belly.

1. Stand erect with your feet together and lift both your hands above your head.

2. Now keep your legs grounded, bend your body to the right side as much as possible till you feel strain on your left waist. Stay with this posture for 15 to 20 seconds.

3. Now, bend your body to the left side and stay for 20 seconds.

4. Repeat these steps for 10 to 20 times every day and extend the time for the posture for each turn.

belly fat